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  1. Publication 学術論文

  2. Presentation 講演

  3. ​Patent  特許出願



  1. Yanase Y, Matsuo Y, Takahagi S, Kawaguchi T, Uchida K, Ishii K, Tanaka A, Matsubara D, Ozawa K, Hide M*. Coagulation factors induce human skin mast cell- and basophil-degranulation via activation of complement 5 and the C5a receptor. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2021 Mar;147(3):1101-1104. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2020.08.018

  2. Kamegashira A, Yanase Y*, Takahagi S, Saito R, Uchida K, Kawaguchi T, Ishii K, Tanaka A, Ozawa K, Hide M*. "Histamine- or VEGF-induced tissue factor expression and gap formation between vascular endothelial cells are synergistically enhanced by LPS, TNF-α, IL-33 or IL-1β. J Dermatol. 2020; 47: 1293-1300. DOI:10.1111/1346-8138.15516

  3. Kocatürk E, Salman A, Cherrez-Ojeda I, Criado PR, Peter J, Comert-Ozer E,(83番目にTakahagi S)et al. The global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the management and course of chronic urticaria. Allergy. 2021;76(3):816-30. DOI: 10.1111/all.14687.

  4. Giménez-Arnau AM, DeMontojoye L, Asero R, Cugno M, Kulthanan K, Yanase Y, Hide M, Kaplan AP *. The Pathogenesis of Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria: The Role of Infiltrating Cells. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2021 Apr 3:S 2213-2198(21)00374-3. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaip.2021.03.033. in press.

  5. S. Seirin-Lee*, Y. Yanase, S. Takahagi, M. Hide*(* Co-corresponding authors), Multifarious Eruptions of Urticaria Solved by A Simple Mathematical Equation. PLOS Computational Biology (2020)16(1): e1007590

2.Presentation 学会発表


  1. [招待] 李聖林,「Mathematical equation of multifarious eruptions in urticaria」, 2021 GA2LEN UCARE Urticaria Conference, Dec 9-11, 2021.

  2. [招待] 李聖林, 「Mathematical medicine linking shape and skin disease」, EASIAM annual meeting 2021, Nov 13, 2021(Online).

  3. [招待] 李聖林,「皮疹の形から紐解く皮膚医学への挑戦と数理」医学研究における数理的方法、2021年2月24日 (Online).

  4. [招待] 李聖林,「生命のパターン形成の数理:私の歩んできた道、現在、そしてこれから」, MIMS現象数理学三村賞受賞講演2020年12月23日 (Online).

  5. [招待] 李聖林,「Geometry (形); Inconspicuous regulator that determines the fate of cells」, iTHEMS Colloquium, RIKEN, 14th Dec. 2020 (Online).

  6. [招待] 李聖林,  "How the cell uses mathematics for asymmetry?”, 日本分子生物学会・シンポジウム「植物と動物の発生における非対称性創出の基盤原理の理解にむけて」, 2020年12月2日〜4日(Online).

  7. [招待] 李聖林,「Phase separation model for chromatin reorganization of eukaryotic cell nuclei」JSPS core-to-core program conference for Establishing International Research Network of Mathematical Oncology, Fusion of Mathematics and Biology, Kobe, 27th OCT, 2020(Online).

atent 特許出願

  1. ​​特願2020-129777「凝固・線溶系と補体を介したマスト細胞および好塩基球の活性化の制御

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